Thursday, April 29, 2010

Love and respect women

The women in India cannot decide for themselves when they want to have the “family planning surgery”. Simply put, husband has to sign before the surgeon goes ahead with the surgery. What a sad state of affair!

It is said that if the husband has sex with his wife without her consent then it is called as rape in the court of law. It is the mother who has to undergo the pains of bearing the child for nine months, the labor pain, the constant medication, frequent trips to the hospital and God forbid if the child is born with some deformity or ailment the women is scorned at. All the man has to do is you know what. Not just the bearing, women does the majority of the rearing as well, husbands hardly do anything. It’s another story that even if the husbands tried to do it, they would screw up that as well.

And then there are other extremities wherein the in-laws decide for the lady, husband is just the signing authority. Here the women doesn’t even come in the picture.

Amidst all this there is no one to talk to the lady as a friend. More, often than not husbands also fall short of their duty maybe because of their ignorance. And even if the husband were to take care of his wife the society bills him as hen-pecked. And so the taking care is  left mainly to the nurses in the hospital or some maid (if the family can afford), or to some elder women folks of the family.

And then, it’s known that Indian families love only the male child, so the above circus continues till the lady gives her in-laws sufficient number of male children.

Wake up people, treat women with love, respect and let her decide what she thinks is best for her.