Monday, November 8, 2010

Homo sapiens–nomads?

It is the dusk of 2010, we as human beings have evolved and traveled a long way. But we somehow still seem to be nomadic in our way of life.

Yeah! Look around oneself, we don’t have a community as such to bank on, to depend. We are pretty much living a secluded life. Whatever happened to the self sustainable communities that we had seen during our “evolving” to the current “progressed” position.

Aren’t we rootless in many ways than one? Families are disconnected-both emotionally and distant wise. Sad state? I don’t know maybe as we are made to believe this might be the price we pay for “development”.

No wonder we look at nature with eyes wide open, whenever we visit our native villages and towns, the frequency of which is coming down drastically-we are not even ready to accept that we need a break from our mundane lives. City dwellers seem to have lost life somewhere during the transition.

What is the solution? What is the problem? Why have lost connect with our roots? Are we aware of what we are trying to achieve?

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